L'Île aux Pokemons : pas d'ouverture de la saison de chasse

Que ce soit sur la toile, dans les médias, ou dans les conversations, impossible d’échapper au phénomène Pokemon Go. Bien que le buzz provoqué par la sortie du jeu s’essouffle, l’application de l’éditeur américain Niantic est loin d’entamer le déclin. En effet, le jeu conserve encore près de 30 millions de joueurs chaque jour et son plein potentiel n’a pas encore été déployé. (suite…)

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Le salon E-marketing 2016 : La gestion des relations clients robot ou humain

Le salon du web-marketing de Paris  2016. Il avait pour terme principal le CRM. La gestion des relations clients devient de plus en plus complexe pour les pures entreprises. Il y a deux grands mouvements qui s’affrontent. Il y a un mouvement qui pousse vers une automatisation des relations clients.…

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Quel avenir pour le paiement sans contact?

Impossible d'aborder le paiement sans contact sans évoquer la technologie NFC (Near Field Communication ou, en français, « communications en champ proche »), puisque c'est celle-ci (entre autre) qui permet à ce moyen de paiement d'exister. En effet, le NFC est une technologie de communication sans fil à courte portée…

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Le mobile : Tendance Google en 2016

Bien que les axes de développement du géant de l’informatique soient divers est variés, le mot d’ordre en 2016 est le Mobile. C’était le thème principal de la conférence sur le SEO animé le 23 juin dernier à la CCI de Strasbourg par Olivier Andrieu consultant SEO indépendant et créateur…

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Esport : enjeux économiques et sponsoring

Newzoo, un cabinet de recherche spécialisé dans les jeux vidéo, a publié au début de l’année 2015 un rapport estimant que les chiffres d’affaires générés par les compétitions de sport électronique devraient être compris entre 465 millions et un milliard d’euros d’ici 2017, contre 130 millions en 2012. Les prévisions…

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The spoon against tremor, a solution for Parkinson's disease patients

Companies that invest in technologies currently aim to address the health problems associated with aging, like Parkinson’s disease that affects about 100,000 people in France and thousands of new cases occur each year; novelty this time is a spoon that aims to make life easier for people ill from Parkinson’s and help them eat, but also find a certain pleasure in eating more calmly avoiding they spill their food when eating.
The giant Google shows more interest in new technologies related to health and medical science , it starts developping other innovative products such as “smart” contact lens , calculating the glucose levels in the diabetics.
Google bought LiftLabs in 2014, a company specialized in the creation of new technologies and underlining his interest in biotechnology aiming to help people  suffering from Parkinson’s disease.
A very tiring disease, its main symptoms are three: slowness, difficulty of movement, muscle rigidity and tremor (resting on a regular basis at 4-7 cycles per second). Parkinson’s is a disabling disease  for people who suffer from it because it creates difficulties in achieving the most everyday activities, like eating.
Parkinson’s patients have medical equipment needs as a hospital bed, a recovery bar, a bracket to help them up, a cane to help them move, even a walker, but also an anti-shake intelligent spoon.
Google currently provides anti-shake device that can improve the quality of life of millions of people. This device is a spoon that intelligently stabilizes human’s hand to improve the lives of patients. Mealtime will become a pleasure and stop being a source of stress and anxiety.
People willing to get that spoon called Liftware, must nevertheless pay 228 euros. It is possible to change the head of the Liftware LiftLabs, which may be used at the same time as a soup spoon, as a fork and key chain to facilitate the opening of locks.
Thanks to a mathematical calculation, spoon detects hand-shake and compensates them instantly; it stabilizes through a system powered by a battery.
The device comes in two parts: a removable spoon in order to be easily cleaned, and a thick line electronic sleeve, containing sensors, electronic chips and motors.
The developed electronics, sensors and mini motors, detect tremors and stabilize the head of the spoon in the opposite direction, essentially canceling the shaking of the arm and avoiding spilling the content of it.
The handle of the spoon contains an ultra-thin rechargeable battery with a battery life of seven days, allowing a constant repositioning of its interchangeable tip (spoon or fork), depending on the tremor of the user. It reduces 75% of the impact of tremors on the object. How it works?  When sensors detect movement tremors, they reposition the spoon in the opposite direction to adjust the head.
Moreover, the spoon can connect via Bluetooth to the dedicated application called Lift Pulse, which measures the frequency and the amplitude of tremors taking into consideration the peak frequency, in order to customize the fit.

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