The wine still has the image of a cultural product of the soil : a product made by small producers whose harvest is often done by hand, created in a small cave and sold in a small cooperative. However, this image now seems to be very residual. Indeed, technology permeates each step of the wine production process. From the vine to the glass, it offers the necessary help in improving the experience around wine.
The most impressive technological developments in recent years appears to be the online sale of wine. With a growth of nearly 30 % per year, it will represent nearly 10 % of the wine market in France in 2014. In addition, the significant increase in specialized online shops seems to support the dynamism of this sector.
However, can we really advise a producer to create his own e-commerce website? Despite significant economic levers in the market, such an initiative should be carefully considered (business model, build site, cost). A particularly important consideration must be given the problems of counterfeiting and theft, more and more present in the world.
More broadly, we must remember that technological development really affects the entire industry. Technology will be so as well the producer than the consumer; everyone in need of new ways to approach his relationship with wine.
These new interactions must also be taken into account by the ever attentive to these new demands in the economic fabric.
Finally, the rapid technological development raises profound legal problems. These can be major bottlenecks in the undertaken development.
image011 (2)Stefan PINHEIRO
Etudiant du Master 2 Commerce électronique et stagiaire chez Corteam. Retrouvez mes autres articles sur
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A propos de Stéphane Pinheiro

Cet article a 2 commentaires

  1. rob

    do you talk about websites for consumers “can we really advise a producer to create his own e-commerce website” ?

    1. Stéphane Pinheiro

      Je me permets de vous répondre en français directement.
      Cet article n’est que le résumé de mon étude sur l’impact du digital sur le marché du vin, qui essaye de dépeindre les nouveaux enjeux de ces dernières années. La création d’un site internet quelle que soit sa cible (BtoB/BtoC/BtoBtoC), doit naturellement se faire au regard de toutes les possibilités du marché digital (en prenant absolument en compte, les avantages, inconvénients et les nombreux risques).
      Vous pouvez consulter directement l’étude sur mon site :
      Je reste naturellement à votre disposition si vous avez des questions à approfondir 🙂

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