As you may know Google has unveiled its self-driving car prototype, but they are not the only players in the automated vehicle game since Intel’s announcement of their products and services in that domain.

Intel’s solutions for smart car
Intel’s solutions for smart car

Intel is not going to create an automated vehicle; they are creating a solution that can be implemented by automobile manufactures that would save them considerable time and up to 50% of the cost in R&D and would allow easier and faster updates.
The company is introducing what they call an “in-vehicle solutions platform,” which could eventually support self-driving vehicles like the Google car. Intel’s new hardware and software technology aims to help “the car evolve to better inform, assist and eventually assume control,” according to a press release.
Self-driving cars have the potential to make the roads much safer. They have built-in sensors that can inform a computer to make driving decisions much faster than humans and in this way avoid accidents. For example, the Google car can slow down for jaywalking pedestrians, watch for cars that sneak out of hidden driveways and look for cyclists making gestures that indicate a possible turn. In addition to reducing the risks of accidents, self-driving cars could reduce traffic, improve fuel economy, reduce parking needs and bring mobility to those who are unable to drive.
Although there are still many challenges ahead for this new technology— such as consumer adoption and cost — the potential here is massive. Not surprisingly, companies want in and Intel is making this transition faster, easier and cheaper.
Although the product is available for the moment only for auto systems with advanced driver assistance capabilities, future versions will be created for fully autonomous or self-driving cars. In order to roll out their fully automated versions, Intel is actively collecting data about how people drive and how cars can be more adaptive, predictive and interact with drivers and its surroundings.
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