Researchers at Duke University are developing a technology that transforms a stream of electromagnetic radiation from sources such as Wi-Fi networks and satellite communications.
The american scientists from Duke University promise to make possible the recharge of mobile phones and other portable devices from radiation networks Wi-Fi, satellite communications and other relevant sources. They have developed a wireless device that collects radiation to produce electricity with voltage produced at 7,3 Volt, whilst the USB chargers provide approximately 5 Volt.
Wi-Fi networks, satellite communications and mobile networks are just some of the applications where the transmission of the data uses microwaves. The layout of the Duke may already convert microwaves into electrical energy yield 6.10 %, a percentage that scientists are planning to increase instantly to 37%.
The researchers say that in the future provision could be incorporated in mobile phones, recharging them when not in use, ex. the radiation emitted by the nearest cell phone tower. In other variations, with a much bigger size, the same device could be charging electronic systems (ex. automatic weather stations) located in remote areas away from the grid.

The device consists in “exotic” meta materials where artificial materials have optical properties that cannot not be found in nature. In the case of this device, the meta materials allowed scientists to place short-range antennas to “capture” microwave radiation without affecting each others’s functions. Something that could not be done, if they had used conventional materials.
Stéphanie MIHAIL
Étudiante en M2 Droit de l’économie numérique à l’UdS, avocate en Grèce et membre du barreau d’Athènes.
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